Three Simple Steps for the Feng Shui Beginner

If you’re a beginner to Feng Shui these three basic steps will help you start putting it to practice in your life. But first, you should know what Feng Shui is.

Feng Shui Aromas

It is an old Chinese study that believes human beings and the environment they are surrounded by (their home, workspace, etc) is full of tangible but invisible energy. This energy is known as “Chi”.

First Step – Color

Color can really effect your mood, so, when it comes to Feng Shui you should choose colors that give off pleasant vibes. Remember, though, that some colors work well in some rooms but not in others. Each color has a unique quality meant for something different, so make sure you know your goals for a room before choosing the colors.

Yellow – Yellow makes people think of the sun which makes them happy. So it’s considered just that – a happy hue. It is also known to inspire creativity and spark imagination, so a perfect room to use yellow in would be your home office.

Home Office Yellow Walls

Orange – It has been suggested the color orange represents hunger. Some people say you should use it sparingly and only in light shades.

Green – Most people associate green with money. In Feng Shui, it means life. This is a great color to use in a room where you want to balance the energy. Perfect examples would be the bathroom or living room.

Purple – Purple is known to be a very powerful color, a color that represents richness, abundance and royalty. Because of this, it’s a good idea to not paint an entire room purple. You can use it on one wall or incorporate it into fabrics in the room instead of having it on all four walls.

Second Step – Light

Another important element of Feng Shui that you as a beginner should know about is light. Like color, light can also affect a person’s mood (as well as their thoughts). If you stop and think about it for a minute, it makes perfect sense. After all, doesn’t a room that is dark make you feel depressed and quiet? But if you’re in a room that has a bunch of windows and natural lighting coming in through those windows, don’t you feel peaceful and like that room is inviting? So, it’s important that every room in your house have some sort of lighting.

Third Step – Aroma

Another important aspect of Feng Shui is how a room smells. Just as lighting and color play a part in the moods of people, smell does too. You can use essential oils or candles to make your space smell good.

Feng Shui Bedroom Green Walls

If you’re just getting started with Feng Shui, try working on one room at a time. For example, redecorating your bedroom with Feng Shui principles in mind might mean a coat of pale green paint and plenty of sweet-smelling candles to add both scent and appropriate lighting. As you can see, it doesn’t have to cost a lot to turn your home into a shining example of Feng Shui at work.

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